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1974. Geological Society of New Zealand miscellaneous publication
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1975. The significance of cirripedes to the palaeoecology of Motutapu
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1976. Australasian Cirripedia - a preliminary commentary. In Abstracts
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1977. Report on research in Australia. Proceedings of the Royal
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1979. Aspects of Australasian biogeography. Cirripedia: Thoracica.
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and Evolution in the Southern Hemisphere. Auckland, July, 1978.
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Series 137(2): 485-490.
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1979. The Evolution of Australasian Cirripedia: Thoracica. In
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1979. University of Auckland. (Abstract & Figure).
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1980. A new species of the heteromorph ammonite Pseudoxybeloceras
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New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 23:
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1981. A Miocene turtle (Cheloniidae) from the lower Miocene of
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1982. The barnacle subfamily Elminiinae - Two new subgenera and
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of New Zealand 12(4): 353-357.
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1983. The fossil barnacles (Cirripedia: Thoracica) of New Zealand
and Australia. New Zealand Geological Survey Paleontological Bulletin
50: 1-151 + 14pls.
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1983. Tertiary Cirripedia (Thoracica) of North Auckland. Geological
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Auckland, November, 1983. Geological Society of New Zealand miscellaneous
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1984. A new species of Elminius from Pomahaka River, Southland,
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1984. Two new Tertiary scalpellid barnacles (Cirripedia: Thoracica)
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and J. A. Grant-Mackie, 1985. A new scalpellid barnacle from the
lower Jurassic of New Caledonia. Geologie de la France 1: 77-80.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1985. Fossil barnacles (Cirripedia: Thoracica) from the lower
Miocene Limestone, Batesford, Victoria. Proceedings of the Royal
Society of Victoria 97(3): 139-150.
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1986. Preliminary Scientific Results (Event K241: McMurdo Palaeoecology)
for Ross Dependency Research Committee. Carrington Technical Institute
Polar Research Unit Paper 1: 1-13.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1986. Antarctica: Fossil man on the ice. North and South. August,
1986: pp. 74-79.
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J. S. Buckeridge, 1987. Barnacle Palaeontology, In Crustacean
Issues 5: Barnacle Biology : pp. 43-62. A. J. Southward (Ed).
A.A. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam.
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1988. Geology in New Zealand Polytechnics. In The place of Geoscience
in Australian Education: pp. 9-11. R.M. Carter (Ed). Economic
Geology Research Unit, Geology Department, James Cook University
of North Queensland.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1989. Zullobalanus: Replacement name for Withersella Buckeridge,
1983. (Cirripedia: Thoracica) (Preoccupied). Journal of Paleontology
63(5): 703.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1989. Marine invertebrates from late Cainozoic deposits in the
McMurdo Sound region, Antarctica. Journal of the Royal Society
of New Zealand 19(3): 333-342.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1990. Assessment of geotechnical aspects of the proposed landfill
site at Kopuku, Maramarua. In Buckeridge, J.S. and P.C. Bone,
Intervenor Technical Report for the Auckland Regional Council,
March 1990. pp. 1-9.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1990. Geoscience and Mining Education in New Zealand. In Abstracts
from the Research and Education for the Earth Resource Industries
Symposium. July, 1990, University of Auckland.
- Black, P. M. and J.
S. Buckeridge, 1990. Geological Education. Geological Society
of New Zealand Newsletter 89: 67-8.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1991. Directions in New Zealand Technical Education. Proceedings
of the Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand. Annual
Conference, Auckland, New Zealand. February, 1991. 1: 51-55.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1991. Pachyscalpellum cramptoni a new genus and species of lepadomorph
cirripede from the Cretaceous of northern Hawkes Bay, New Zealand.
Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 21(1): 55-60.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1991. Environmental Engineering: The new Direction. Proceedings
of the New Zealand Natural Heritage Foundation International Conference
on Environmental Education. Palmerston North, New Zealand, August,
1991. pp. 77-81.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1991. Educational Response to a changing environment. Proceedings
of the New Zealand Institute of Surveyors. Annual Conference,
Auckland. October, 1991. 5pp.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1991. The rôle of the New Zealand Technician Civil Engineer
in 2000. Association for Engineering Education in South East Asia
and the Pacific Journal of Engineering Education. Annual Conference,
Christchurch. December, 1991. pp. 111-115.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1992. Sustainability: an impetus for Ecocentric Engineering? Proceedings
of the Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand. Annual
Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand. February, 1992, 1: 15-20.
- Buckeridge, J. S.
and W. A. Newman, 1992. A re-examination of genus Waikalasma (Cirripedia
: Thoracica) and its significance in balanomorph phylogeny. Journal
of Paleontology 66(2): 341-345.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1992. Waiparaconus : the enigmatic Australasian is a coelenterate!
In Abstracts of the Australian Marine Scientists Association Annual
Conference, Perth. July, 1992, p.25.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1992. Morality and Resource Management: what are the issues? Proceedings
of the New Zealand Institute of Surveyors. Annual Conference,
Invercargill, October, 1992. pp.43-49.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1993. Sustainability: An Australian Perspective of Resource Management.
Precedings of the Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand.
Annual Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand, February 1993. pp. 25-30.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1993. A re-evaluation of the Gondwanan invertebrate Waiparaconus
as a Coelenterate. Records of the Western Australian Museum. 16(2):
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1993. Environmental Engineering : To what degree? In Future Trends
and Challenges in Engineering Education. Proceedings of the AEESEAP/FEISEAP/IACEE
International Conference on Engineering Education. National University
of Singapore, 10-12 November, 1993. pp.658-666.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1993. The Compleat Technician Engineer. In Aiming for Quality
in Engineering Education. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference
and Convention of the Australasian Association for Engineering
Education. Auckland, 12-15 December, 1993. pp. 254-259.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1993. The Malvern Conference : International Developments in Earth
Science Conservation. Proceedings of the Symposium on Earth Science
Conservation in New Zealand. Wellington 7 December, 1993. (Abstract).
- Campbell, H. J., Beu,
A., Laird, M., Hornibrook, N. de B., Buckeridge, J. S. et al.
, 1993. Significance of the Chatham Islands Fossil Record. Proceedings
of the Symposium on Earth Science Conservation in New Zealand.
Wellington 7 December, 1993. (Abstract).
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1993. Grands traits de le biogéographie de la Nouvelle-Zélande.
La 599ème séance de la Société de
Biogéographie Français. Paris, France, le 24 juin,
1993. (Abstract).
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1993. Cirripedia and Porifera. In Campbell, H. J., et al. Cretaceous-Cenozoic
Geology and Biostratigraphy of the Chatham Islands, New Zealand.
Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Monograph 2: 1-240.
(Released 1994).
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1994. Philosophy and Ethics: Now an integral part of Engineering
Education. Proceedings of the Institute of Professional Engineers
New Zealand. Annual Conference, Nelson, New Zealand, February
1994. v. 1: 1-7.
- Buckeridge, J. S.
and W.A. Newman, 1994. Brian Arthur Foster, 10 July, 1942 - 26
June, 1992. Crustaceana 66 (2): 247-252.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1994. Sustainability: An Australian Perspective of Resource Management.
Sustainability through Engineering. IPENZ Committee on Engineering
and the Environment 1993/4. R. Sharp (Ed.), Institution of Professional
Engineers New Zealand, Wellington. pp. 76-81.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1994. From Reductionist to Systems Thinking : The Engineering
Imperative. Proceedings of the AEESEAP Workshop on the Fundamentals
of Environmental Engineering Education. Christchurch, New Zealand,
August 22-25th, 1994, pp. 61-64.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1994. Industrial experience in environmental engineering: partnership
or conflict? Proceedings of the 4th International conference on
Modern Industrial Training. Bai Ju-Xian (Ed.), Xi'an, China, October
16 -19th, 1994, pp. 50-56.
- Ding J. and J. S.
Buckeridge, 1994. The industry-academic interface and success
in co-operative research. Proceedings of the 4th International
conference on Modern Industrial Training. Bai Ju-Xian (Ed.), Xi'an,
China, October 16 -19th, 1994, pp. 206-213.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1994. Cirripedia Thoracica: Verrucomorpha of New Caledonia, Indonesia,
Wallis and Futuna Islands. Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM
v.12. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle,
161: 87-126. Paris, France.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1994. Geological Conservation in a Rapidly Eroding Environment.
In Geological and Landscape Conservation. O'Halloran, D., Green,
C., Harley, M., Stanley, M., & Knill, J., (Eds), Geological
Society, London. pp: 263-269.
- Newman, W. A., Buckeridge,
J. S., Portell, R. W., and H. R. Spivey, 1994. Victor August Zullo
(24 July 1936 - 16 July 1993). Journal of Crustacean Biology.
14(2): 399-405.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1994. Biodiversity and Speciation of the Sessilia (Cirripedia)
in the Southwest Pacific. In Abstracts of the Systematics Association
of New Zealand, Annual Conference, 24-25 November, 1994. Wellington.
p. 9.
- Buckeridge, J. S.
and D. J. Phillips, 1994. High Coliform Levels in Auckland's East
Coast Bays Coastal Waters. Report to the Auckland Regional Council.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1994. From Reductionist to Systems Thinking : The Engineering
Imperative. AEESEAP Journal of Engineering Education. 24 (1-2):
49-51 (Published 1995).
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1995. Coastal protection in New Zealand: A Systems Approach. Proceedings
of the Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand. Annual
Conference, Palmerston North, New Zealand, February 1995, pp.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1995. Introducing philosophy and ethics to the engineering curriculum.
Transactions of the Institution of Professional Engineers New
Zealand. July 1994. 21(1): 1-4. (published April, 1995).
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1995. From Reductionist to Systems Thinking: The Engineering Imperative.
In The Environmentally Educated Engineer: Focus on Fundamentals.
Elms D. and D. Wilkinson., (Eds). Centre for Advanced Engineering,
University of Canterbury, Christchurch. pp. 119-123.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1995. Land stability in Urban Sites of the North Shore, Auckland,
NZ. In Landslides. Glissements de terrain. Bell, D.H. (Ed). Proceedings
of the Sixth International Symposium on Landslides. 3: 2129-2136.
A.A. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1995. Industry lead engineering education: an abrogation of our
rôle as educators and professionals? Proceedings of the
International Congress of Engineering Deans and Industry Leaders.
Z. J. Pudlowski and P. LeP. Darvall (Eds). 3-6 July, 1995, Monash
University, Melbourne, Australia. pp. 74-77.
- Foster, B. A. and
J. S. Buckeridge, 1995. Barnacles (Cirripedia : Thoracica) of
Seas off Réunion Island and the East Indies. Bulletin du
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle 16, Paris, Sec. A,
1994 (1995), 4e Sér., 16, No. 2-4: 345-382.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1995. Land Survey Technician Education: is there a future for
this in New Zealand? Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute
of Surveyors. Annual Conference, Christchurch, October, 1995,
pp. 1-6.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1995. A systems approach to the geotechnical design of rigid seawalls.
Transactions of the Institution of Professional Engineers New
Zealand. November, 1995. 22(1/CE): 32-37.
- Buckeridge, J.S.,
1995. Palaeontology: Sagacious Forensic Science! Geological Society
of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication. 81(A): 90. Worthington,
T. J. and B. M. O'Connor (Eds.). Geological Society of New Zealand
Annual Conference, University of Auckland, Auckland, 23 - 24 November,
1995. (Abstract).
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1995. Southwest Pacific fossil barnacles: key elements in cirripede
phylogeny and biogeography. American Zoologist. 35(5): 80A. (Abstract).
- Foster, B. A. and
J. S. Buckeridge., 1995. Barnacles (Cirripedia : Thoracica) of
Seas off the Straits of Gibraltar. Bulletin du Muséum national
d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, 4e Sér., 17, 1995 No.1-2:
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1996. Phylogeny and Biogeography of the Primitive Sessilia and
a consideration of a Tethyan origin for the group. Crustacean
Issues 10: 255-267 A.A. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, 1995 (1996).
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1996. Reflections on the Three Gorges Hydroelectric Scheme, China.
Proceedings of the Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand.
1(1): 89-92. Annual Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand, February
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1996. The "framework" and civil engineering technician
education.... just where are we in 1996? Proceedings of the Institute
of Professional Engineers New Zealand 2(1): 1-5. Annual Conference,
Dunedin, New Zealand, February, 1996.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1996. Land Survey Technician Education: is there a future for
this in New Zealand? The New Zealand Surveyor. 286: 10-13.
- Grant-Mackie, J. A.,
Buckeridge J. S. and P. M. Johns, 1996. Two new Upper Jurassic
arthropods from New Zealand. Alcheringa 20(1): 31-40.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1996. "Fossiles vivants" : what they can provide in
interpreting the diversity and development of life on Earth. Proceedings
of the New Zealand Marine Science Society Annual Conference. p.
25. Christchurch, New Zealand. 28-30 August, 1996. (Abstract).
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1996. Technician Surveyors in New Zealand : an endangered species?
Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute of Surveyors. 108th Annual
Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand. 19-22 October, 1996, p. 1-7.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1996. A living fossil Waikalasma boucheti sp. nov. (Cirripedia:
Balanomorpha) from Vanuatu (New Hebrides), Southwest Pacific.
Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris,
4e Sér., 18, 1996, Section A, No. 3-4: 447-457.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1996. New Zealand's Technician Surveying Education: is there a
future? Survey Quarterly 8: 14-17.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1997. Implications of "Sustainability" for New Zealand
industry. Proceedings of the Institute of Professional Engineers
New Zealand. 1: 38-41. Annual Conference, Wellington, New Zealand,
February, 1997.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1997. Surveying for Sustainability. Proceedings of the 1st Trans
Tasman Surveyors Conference. Newcastle, Australia. 12-18 April,
1997, p.11.1-11.7.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1997. Sciaphilic settlement rates in the newly established marine
reserve at Long Bay, Auckland. Proceedings of the New Zealand
Marine Science Society Annual Conference. pp. 35-6. Auckland,
New Zealand. July 8 -11, 1997. (Abstract).
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1997. The enigma of Polytechnic Research: is there now a paradigm
shift? Research and the New Tomorrow. UNITEC Institute of Technology,
Auckland, New Zealand. July 1997, pp. 35-47.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1997. Cirripedia : Thoracica. New ranges and species of Verrucomorpha
from the Indian and Southwest Pacific Oceans. Résultats
des Campagnes MUSORSTOM, vol. 18. Mémoires du Muséum
national d'Histoire naturelle, 176: 125-149. Paris, France.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1997. Post Cretaceous Biotic Recovery: A case study on (Crustacea
: Cirripedia) from the Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Abstracts
of RECOVERIES '97 : The UNESCO - IGCP PROJECT 335 Conference.
p. 38. Prague, Czech Republic, September 12-14, 1997. (Abstract).
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1997. Environmental Engineering Education within the Shadow of
New Zealand's ubiquitous Resource Management Act. Abstracts of
the Chambéry '97 Conference on Multidisciplinarity and
International Co-operation in EnvironmentalEducation. p. 1-11.
Chambéry, France. September 18-20, 1997.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1997. Resource Management: A cultural perspective. Plenary Session
Paper, September 26th. United Nations Environment Programme -
World Federation of Engineers - École Nationale des Ponts
Chaussées Conference. Paris, France. September 24-26, 1997.
- Ding J. and J. S.
Buckeridge, 1997. An issue of diversity in industrial training
- some principles and strategies. Proceedings of the 5th International
Conference on Modern Industrial Training. pp. 353-359. Shandong,
China. October 26-29, 1997.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1997. In search of the balanomorph progenitor: important new New
Zealand discoveries. Geological Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous
publication 95A: 26. Wellington, New Zealand. November 25-27,
1997. (Abstract).
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1997. Resource development: meeting needs in culturally diverse
environments. Australian Institute of Surveyors Annual Conference.
11 pp. Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia. November 15-16,
- Tapp, B. A. and J.
S. Buckeridge, 1998. The notion of a Sustainable City. Proceedings
of the Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand. 1: 33-38.
Annual Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, February, 1998.
- Buckeridge, J. S.
1998. Sustainability: accepting the challenge of Environmental
Stewardship. Keynote address. Proceedings of the Commonwealth
Science Council Workshop on Monitoring and Management of Heavy
Metals, Pesticides, PCBs, Dyes and Pigments. Islamabad, Pakistan,
7th June, 1988, 3pp.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1998. Monitoring and Management of Heavy Metals, Pesticides, PCBs,
Dyes and Pigments. Regional Report : New Zealand. Commonwealth
Science Council (London) Workshop on Monitoring and Management
of Heavy Metals, Pesticides, PCBs, Dyes and Pigments. Islamabad,
Pakistan, 7-12th June, 1998, 14pp.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1998. A new coral inhabiting barnacle, Chionelasmus crosnieri
sp. nov. (Cirripedia: Balanomorpha) from New Caledonia, Southwest
Pacific. Zoosystema 20(2): 167-176.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1998. New perspectives on the palaeoecology of the Te Aute Limestone
Complex, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. Proceedings of the 14th Australian
Geological Congress Townsville, Australia, July 6 -10, 1998. p.
60. (abstract).
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1998. Growth is not a panacea. Guest Editorial: North Shore Times
Advertiser. Tuesday, June 30. p.6.
- Leaver, J., Buckeridge
J. S., and D. Phillips, 1998. Developments in Education for Surveyors
in New Zealand. Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute of Surveyors.
110th Annual Conference, Palmerston North, New Zealand. 4 pp.
92. Buckeridge, J. S. and D. Gordon, 1998. A significant new species
of primitive barnacle from Spirits Bay, Northland. Water &
Atmosphere 6(3): 8.
- Buckeridge, J. S.
1999. Engineering the new millennium: an opportunity for universal
change in engineering curricula. Proceedings of the 2nd UICEE
Annual Conference on Engineering Education. Auckland, New Zealand,
10 - 13 February, 1999, pp 51-54.
- Buckeridge, J. S.
1999. Barnacles: not just a fouling nuisance. Seafood New Zealand
7(2): 38-39.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1999. Engineers and Social Responsibility: are we addressing the
real issues appropriately? Proceedings of the First Caledonian
Centre for Engineering Education Conference on Life Long Learning
for Engineers. Glasgow, Scotland, 22 - 25 May, 1999. 5pp.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1999. Stochastic Urban Accretion and Marine Reserves: Complementary
or Conflicting options? Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting
of the International Association for Impact Assessment: Impact
Assessment for a New Century, Glasgow, 15-19 June, 1999. 10 pp.
(p. 28, Abstract volume).
- Buckeridge, J. S.
and B. A. Tapp, 1999. Ethics and that Ethic called Sustainability.
Proceedings of the 1st Australasian Environmental Engineering
Conference. Ed. Ian Gunn. pp. 49-52. Auckland, 10-14th July, 1999.
- Stephan, J., Truckenmuller,
D., Ding, J.J. and J. S. Buckeridge, 1999. A sustainable hybrid
energy system - component system modelling using Stella. Proceedings
of the 1st Australasian Environmental Engineering Conference.
Ed. Ian Gunn. pp. 269-273. Auckland, 10-14th July, 1999.
- Ding, J. J. and J.
S. Buckeridge, 1999. A sustainable hybrid energy system - system
modelling considerations. Proceedings of the 1st Australasian
Environmental Engineering Conference. Ed. Ian Gunn. pp. 89-93.
Auckland, 10-14th July, 1999.
- Kelly, M. K., Bell,
L. J. and J. S. Buckeridge, 1999. Treasures of the deep: "living
fossil" sponge finds in northern New Zealand. Water &
Atmosphere 7(2): 11-12.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1999. Deep Sea Cirripedia (Sessilia): Austral Distribution and
Provenance of some key taxa. Abstracts of the Annual New Zealand
Marine Sciences Society Conference. p.12-13. Wellington 1-3 September,
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1999. Ethics and Morality: their development in Professional Practice.
Global Journal of Engineering Education 3(3): 215-220.
- Buckeridge, J. S.
1999. A new deep sea barnacle, Tetrachaelasma tasmanicum sp. nov.
(Cirripedia : Balanomorpha) from the South Tasman Rise, South
Pacific Ocean. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
33(4): 521-531.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
1999. Post Cretaceous Biotic Recovery: A case study on (Crustacea
: Cirripedia) from the Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Records of
the Canterbury Museum 13:43-51.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
2000. Barnacles: Crustaceans in Armour. Abstracts of the Species
2000 (New Zealand) Conference. D. Gordon (Ed.). Wellington, 1-5th
- Buckeridge, J. S.
Stonyer, H., Tapp, B. A. and R. Myers, 2000. Barriers to women
in engineering: real or imaginary? Proceedings of the Third UNESCO
International Centre for Engineering Education Annual Conference
on Engineering Education. Z. J. Pudlowski (Ed). Hobart, Tasmania,
February 9-12th. pp. 43-46.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
2000. Aristotle: Descriptor Animalium Princeps! Abstracts of the
XVIII (New) International Congress on Zoology, University of Athens,
Athens, Greece. p. 6.
- Buckeridge, J. S.
and Gordon, D., 2000. Species 2000 New Zealand: Outcomes of the
Symposium. Abstracts of the XVIII (New) International Congress
on Zoology, University of Athens, Athens, Greece. p. 7.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
2000. Modern Zoological Education: Impediments and opportunities.
Abstracts of the XVIII (New) International Congress on Zoology,
University of Athens, Athens, Greece. pp. 144-145.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
2000. A Y2K Imperative: The Globalisation of Engineering Education.
Global Journal of Engineering Education 4 (1): 19-24.
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
2000. Cirripedes as palaeoecological indicators in the Te Aute
lithofacies limestone, North Island, New Zealand. Memoirs of the
Queensland Museum 45(2): 221-225.
- Buckeridge, J. S.
and B. A. Tapp, 2000. Interpreting the realities of ethics and
sustainability within an Australasian context. Transactions of
the Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand. 27(1): 17-
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
2000. A new species of Austrobalanus (Cirripedia, Thoracica) from
Eocene erratics, Mount Discovery, McMurdo Sound, East Antarctica.
Paleobiology and Paleoenvironments of Eocene Rocks, McMurdo Sound,
East Antarctica. Antarctic Research Series 76: 329-333. American
Geophysical Union.
- Meyer, S., Schrader,
D., Sellner, M. & J. Buckeridge, 2000. Monitoring the shallow
water marine environment in the Long Bay-Okura Marine reserve,
Auckland, New Zealand. Annual Meeting of the German Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Hamburg, 11-12 September,
2000. (Poster).
- Buckeridge, J. S.,
2000. A new deep sea vent barnacle, Neolepas osheai sp. nov. (Cirripedia:
Thoracica) from the Brothers Caldera, South-west Pacific Ocean.
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 34: 409-418.
- Ng, W. H. W. and J.
S. Buckeridge, 2000. Review of systems utilised in the Auckland
region to contain silt generated in current land development processes.
Proceedings of the VII Annual New Zealand Engineering and Technology
Postgraduate Conference. 23rd - 24th November, Palmerston North,
New Zealand. pp. 383-389.
- Buckeridge J., Keiha
P. and H. Stonyer, 2001. Ethnicity: barrier or an opportunity
in engineering? (Keynote address). Proceedings of the Fourth UNESCO
International Centre for Engineering Education Annual Conference
Annual Conference on Engineering Education. Bangkok, Thailand,
7-10 February 2001, pp. 74-78.
- Ding J. J., Buckeridge,
J. S., Stephan J. and D. Truckenmuller, 2001. Modelling of a renewable
energy supply system. Transactions of the Institute of Professional
Engineers New Zealand 27(1/EMCh): 6-12 (November, 2000).
- Ding J. J. and J.
S. Buckeridge, 2001. Design considerations for a sustainable hybrid
energy system. Transactions of the Institute of Professional Engineers
New Zealand 27(1/EMCh): 1-5 (November, 2000).
In press: Buckeridge, J.
S. Cirripedia: Thoracica. In New Zealand Coastal Invertebrates. Steven.
de C. Cooke (Ed). University of Canterbury Press, Christchurch.
In press: Buckeridge,
J. S., Goose barnacles, acorn barnacles, wart barnacles and burrowing
barnacles - Subclass Cirripedia. In Gordon, D.P. (ed.), The New
Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity : A Species 2000 Symposium Review.
Canterbury University Press, Christchurch, New Zealand.
In press: Kelly, M. K.,
Wilkinson, M. R., de Glasby, B. A., Cook, S. de C., Berquist, P.
R., Campbell, H. J., Buckeridge, J. S., Reiswig, H. M. and C. Valentine.
Sponges - Phylum Porifera. In Gordon, D.P. (ed.), The New Zealand
Inventory of Biodiversity : A Species 2000 Symposium Review. Canterbury
University Press, Christchurch, New Zealand.
In press: Buckeridge
J.S. and K.L. Finger. Verruca digitali sp. nov. (Cirripedia: Thoracica)
a new verrucid barnacle from the late Miocene of Southern California.
Journal of Crustacean Biology 21(2): 443-449.
In prep: Newman, W. A,
Ross, A., and J. S. Buckeridge. The serendipitous squatter : a scalpellomorph
barnacle in coral.
In prep: Guha, A. K.
and J. S. Buckeridge. Cirripedes from the Kachchh, Gujurat, India.
Journal of the Geological Society of India.
In prep: Buckeridge,
J. S. and W. A. Newman. A new scalpellomorph cirripede from Spirits
Bay, New Zealand.